PhD in Philology

& Linguistics

Education and Degrees


Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)
National Research University Higher School of Economics


Master's in Philology
Saint Petersburg State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 – “doctoral or equivalent”, together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.



Research Fellow in Aleksanteri Institute (University of Helsinki) 

2015 — 2018

PhD courses in Art History (European University at St. Petersburg) 


Second Moscow-Tartu Late Summer School on Digital Humanities (HSE University in Voronovo)

2011 — 2013

Translator in the field of professional communications (St. Petersburg State University)


Агафонова Я. Чтения для народа как государственный просветительский проект в поздний период Российской империи // Институты литературы в Российской империи. М. : Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2023. С. 397-435.

Agafonova Y. The Common Reader in Public Readings With Magic Lantern Slides in Late Imperial Russia // Russian Literature. 2022. Vol. 129. P. 73-93.

Agafonova Y., Tikhonov A., Yamshchikov I. P. Paranoid Transformer: Reading Narrative of Madness as Computational Approach to Creativity, in: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Creativity. Coimbra : Association for Computational Creativity, 2020. Ch. 3.5. P. 146-152.

Agafonova Y., Tikhonov A., Ivan P. Yamshchikov. Paranoid transformer: Reading narrative of madness as computational approach to creativity // Future Internet. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 11. Article 182.

Agafonova Y. The Magic Lantern in Late Imperial Russia // The Magic Lantern (UK). 2020. No. 23. P. 17-19.

Агафонова Я. Я. Классика для народа в адаптациях Постоянной комиссии по устройству народных чтений // Новое литературное обозрение. 2019. № 2 (156). С. 77-93.

Агафонова Я. Я. Борьба за классику: книга для народа и лубочные книжные издания // В кн.: Русская филология. 28: Сборник научных работ молодых филологов. Тарту : Издательство Тартуского университета, 2017. С. 52-61.

Агафонова Я. Я. Проблема рецепции “таинственных штудий” И.С. Тургенева // Летняя школа по русской литературе. 2016. Т. 12. № 1. С. 23-33.

Аверин Б. В., Козакевич А. В. Великая Война в поэзии и прозе 1914–1917 гг. / Сост.: Б. В. Аверин, К. М. Азадовский, М. Н. Виролайнен, А. В. Козакевич, Я. Я. Агафонова, П. В. Бояркина, Г. Н. Беляк, К. Бутузова, А. Ю. Арьев. Издательство РХГА, 2015.



Sound and Vision: exploring the role of audio and visual technologies in the history of education (Antwerp). Presentation: Strategies of illustrating public readings for common people in late imperial Russia


Eleventh International Conference on Computational Creativity (Coimbra). Presentation: Paranoid Transformer: Reading Narrative of Madness as Computational Approach to Creativity


Technology culture and society in the eurasian space (Helsinki). Presentation: Public Readings with Magic Lantern in Late Imperial Russia


The International Conference of Young Philologists (Tartu). Presentation: On the Problem of the Educational Strategy of the Standing Commission of Public Readings


II Moscow-Tartu Late Summer School on Digital Humanities (Moscow). Presentation: Statistical approach to historical data of public readings in Russian Empire.


The Enlightenment from a Non-Western Perspective (Sofia). Presentation: The Concept of Enlightenment in Special Books for Peasants in Prerevolutionary Russian Society: Textual and Visual Aspects


Mervyn Heard Award 2019 from The Magic Lantern Society (UK) for a research project about the magic lantern in late imperial Russia.


IQ.HSE.RU Сквозь литературу с волшебным фонарем: Как во второй половине XIX века российское государство просвещало народ через публичные чтения

New Literary Observer Podcast “What Do They Study in Humanities: Public Readings in the Mid-19th Century”. Новое Литературное Обозрение Подкаст “Что изучают гуманитарии: Публичные чтения в середине 19 века”


